
Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program

The MPC controller drives the vehicle given a reference track around the simulated environment provided bu Udacity Simulator.

MPC Controller

Demo : MPC_controller

#Model There are 3 main component:

I) The Model state:

	1. Px : x-position of vehicle
	2. Py : y-position of vehicle
	3. Psi: Orientation of the vehicle
	4. v  : velocity of the vehicle.

II) Actuators:
	1. deltaPsi : Sterring angle
	2. a        : acceleration

III)Update Equation for the model
	1. x(t+1)   = x(t) + v(t)*cos(psi)*dt
	2. y(t+1)   = y(t) + v(t)*sin(psi)*dt
	3. psi(t+1) = psi(t) + (v(t) / Lf)*deltaPsi*dt
	4. v(t+1)   = v(t) + a*dt
	**Lf is the distance between the front axle and center of gravity of the vehicle


Timesteps N : 15

Duration dt : 0.12

#Cost functions:

1. Cross track Error (CTE) (coeff: 2000)

2. Orientation Error       (coeff: 1700)

3. Reference Velocity      (coeff: 1.0)

4. Steering actuator       (coeff: 15000)

5. Acceleration actuator   (coeff: 1.0)

6. Sequential action diff for steering  (coeff : 2.0)

7. Sequential action diff for acceleration.


There was a latency of 0.1 seconds between the controller and the actuations. This affected the performance at sharp turns and oscillations were amplified. The solution for this is to increase the timsteps to look ahead the track and also increase the cost of steering actuators and keep the vehicle at safe speed.


Basic Build Instructions

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make a build directory: mkdir build && cd build
  3. Compile: cmake .. && make
  4. Run it: ./mpc.